The Twin Paradox vs. Contact

The movie Contact makes an effort to display a realistic representation of the Twin Paradox, but the fundamental concept of time dilation was displayed incorrectly. The time dilation in the twin paradox is a result of the point of view of a stationary observer seeing a clock move slower as it moves with a constant velocity past them. This can be portrayed in the diagram below: Keep in mind that light in a vacuum will always travel at the speed of light [c], which represents the second postulate of special relativity. The second section of the illustration above represents the actual motion of a photon in both a moving inertia frame and a stationary inertia frame. The third section of the illustration represents what a stationary observer would see as the clock moves by them at a constant velocity. Notice how the distance that the photon actually travels (2d) is shorter than the distance that the stationary observer sees. To the stationary obs...